Saturday, August 23, 2008

About that text message.

I just have a bone to pick with the obama campaign. Why in the world did he send out that stupid message at 3 in the morning? Where was the thought process on that?

Meanwhile at the McCain camp...

Advisor: I just got a word-message on the movable cellular telephone!
McCain: What's it say?
Advisor: Senator Biden will be he VP candidate.
McCain: OBiden eh...
Advisor: Well, you don't have anyone better.
McCain: That's not fair, I was supposed to win the election!
Advisor: Sir?
McCain: I spent 4 years in a rat hole in Vietnam, not fair, not fair. They HAD to pick another old fart, so I don't have that to go by anymore. I'm going home.
Advisor: Which one?
McCain: well, I don't know. Which one is good for a retirement home?
Advisor: flordia

Yeah, I know that was stupid. Whatever.

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